When It comes to filing and paying off insurance claims, fall ends up being an extremely busy time of year for insurance companies. Do you own a business? If so, regardless of the season, you should familiarize yourself with various types of business insurance.
Homeowners certainly can’t afford to spend money unnecessarily on avoidable errors, possibly resulting in lawsuits from visitors who get hurt on private property. Business owners, on the same topic, can ill afford needless expenditures from much the same preventable problems.
Auto Insurance Claims
In autumn, some relatively exclusive insurance claims can arise. Here’s a sample of the most commonly filed insurance claims in the fall:
- Home and auto theft claim – In October and September robbery claims increase by 7%.
- Claims resulting from collisions in parking lots – People are in a hurry, shops and malls are crowded, everybody’s vying for that all-important parking space to do their holiday shopping.
- Claims arising from tree branches falling on vehicles – Should you get an unusually early and heavy snow, tree branches can become weighted down and snap, ending up on top of your vehicle.
- Claims related to ice and water damage – As the weather gets colder, claims such as broken water heaters, burst pipes, freezing pipes, damaged water supplies, etc. increase.
- Smoke and fire damage claims – Candles, wood stoves, and fireplaces get more use as the weather turns colder, presenting an additional fire risk.
- Snow and ice-related collision claims – During snowfalls, 15% of weather-related crashes occur. Icy pavements, slush, and snow account for weather-related crashes totaling around 24%.
- Claims related to animal collisions – Numerous hazards on the highways are posed by animal crossings. Natural habitats of moose, deer, etc. expand as their population increase. When vision is reduced during dusk, the animals are most active.
Businesses and Insurance
There are five crucial insurance types for a business owner to have.
- Home-based business insurance
- Commercial property insurance
- Professional liability insurance
- Product liability insurance
- General liability insurance
Note: Workers’ compensation is another type of insurance all businesses should have if they have employees.
You may hear a type of business insurance referred to as commercial insurance or BOP (Business Owners Policy). This helps protect a business’ income, property, and assets. For small businesses, this is very common. To protect a business, three types of insurance are included here: business interruption coverage, general liability, and business property coverages.
K&N Insurance Brokerage: Here for Your Home And Business
K&N Insurance Brokerage can help if you know you need commercial insurance but you’re not particularly familiar with the process like what kind of coverage you need and who you should turn to. With our experience, superior knowledge, customization, excellent customer support, timely assistance, and speed, we run rings around the competition.
Without having to worry about damage to your home, K&N Insurance Brokerage wants you to be able to enjoy the beauty of autumn. We can be of assistance by helping you find the right automobile, boat, motorcycle insurance, renters insurance, homeowners insurance, condo insurance, and more. One or more of these policies will be of the utmost importance for the protection of you, your belongings, and your family.
Get an easy, quick, and free insurance quote online, or call us for an instant quote at 866-517-8268.